Taghmon Daycare Centre

Anne 0876138828




Fun day out at the Parkinson’s get together in Wexford last month

Taghmon Daycare Centre

Anne 0876138828







St. Fintan’s Social Club a.k.a. Taghmon Day Centre was formed from humble beginnings when in November 1994 a group of dedicated people came together to provide a Social Centre for the older person in the community and environs. This Social Club/Centre a safe place for the older persons to come together in a social setting while maintaining a sense of community and preventing social exclusion.

Much has changed since the opening of the centre but its founding principles are still as prevalent today as they were 28 years ago. The centre is partially funded by a section 39 grant and relies on donations and fundraising to make up the shortfall. A co-ordinator (CE worker) oversees the successful running of the centre together with volunteer Bus Drivers and Day Centre Assistants. Taghmon Day Centre operates from a rented room in the TAG centre.

Currently 16 service users attend each Wednesday however, going forward it is hoped to open on Mondays also. The Daycentre Bus leaves the centre at 9.30a.m. to collect and bring those service users who have no other means of transport into the centre where a cup of tea is enjoyed before activities commence. This Bus also drops the service users home in the evening leaving at approx. 4pm.
A choice of Dinner is served in the centre followed by dessert and tea/coffee with biscuits/cake, there is a nominal charge per service user of €7.50/€8.00 to cover these meals.

Activities enjoyed during the day include Chair exercises with Kinetics Fitness, we have had the local Garda visit and speak about security.
Creative Artists courtesy of Wexford County Council have also visited, we have enjoyed Music sessions, Storytelling and Drumming to-date and are looking forward to a Dancer visiting in November.

Weather permitting the Daycentre Bus travels the highways and byways taking the service users on trips to local venues of interest, trips invariably result in a visit to a café/restaurant for “An Cupán Tae”. Gambling in the form of Bingo takes place on a regular basis and music/song /recitation/reminiscence are also enjoyed!

Taghmon Day Centre Bealtaine

New service users are always welcome!
Contact: Anne 0876138828